Seminar, November 10
Speaker: Alexander Marynych Topic: K-convex hulls of random samples
Department of the Theory of Stochastic Processes
Institute of mathematics department site
Speaker: Alexander Marynych Topic: K-convex hulls of random samples
Speaker: Andrey A. Dorogovtsev Topic: Generalized Gaussian random fields, approximations and self-intersections
Speaker: Georgii Riabov Topic: Coalescing stochastic flows on metric graphs and random dynamical systems
Speaker: Andrey Pilipenko Topic: Exponential a.s. synchronization of one-dimensional diffusions with non-regular coefficients
Speaker: Alexey Rudenko Topic: Some examples of projections of diffusions with and without self-intersections
Speaker: Mykola Vovchanskii Topic: On n-point densities of the point measures in the Arratia flows and their approximations Abstract: We discuss the n-point densities arising in the consideration of finite-dimensional motions of the Arratia flow and describing sequences of collisions in the Continue reading Seminar, September 15
Speaker: Vitalii Konarovskyi Topic: Conditional Distribution of Independent Brownian Motions to Event of Coalescing Paths Abstract: In the talk, we will consider a family of independent real-valued Brownian motions starting at distinct points and will be interested in the description of the Continue reading Seminar, September 8
Speaker: Ekaterina Glinyanaya Topic: Functional limit theorem for integrals with respect to a point process associated with the Arratia flow Abstract: We consider a point process associated with the Arratia flow on the time segment [0,t]. For integrals with respect to this Continue reading Seminar, September 1
Докладчик: А. С. Радова Тема: Z-функція Гекке та її застосування в асимптотичних задачах (за результатами кандидатської дисертації)
Докладчик: Xia Chen (University of Tennessee) Тема: Parabolic Anderson models – Large scale asymptotics Abstract. The model of the parabolic Anderson equation is relevant to some problems arising from physics such as the particle movement in disorder media, population dynamics, and to the Continue reading Семинар 26.05.2020