Seminar, March 16
Speaker: Sadillo Sharipov Topic: Some functional limit theorems for branching stochastic processes with immigration
Department of the Theory of Stochastic Processes
Institute of mathematics department site
Speaker: Sadillo Sharipov Topic: Some functional limit theorems for branching stochastic processes with immigration
Speaker: Georgii Riabov Topic: Constructing coalescing stochastic flows
Speaker: Ivan Feshchenko Topic: On sums of marginal subspaces
Speaker: Vitalii Konarovskyi Topic: Stochastic block model in a new critical regime and the interacting multiplicative coalescent
Докладчик: А.А. Дороговцев Тема: Представление Кларка для случайных мер (совместная работа с Я. Джорджевич, Университет Осло)
Speaker: Andrey A. Dorogovtsev Topic: Clark representation for random measures (joint work with Jasmina Djordjevic, University of Oslo)
Speaker: PD Dr. Yana Kinderknecht (Butko) (Technical University of Braunschweig) Title: Feynman-Kac formulae for time-fractional evolution equations I. Introduction.
Speaker: Mykola Portenko Topic: One-dimensional symmetric alpha-stable processes reflected at the origin
Speaker: Frank Norbert Proske (University of Oslo) Topic: Well-posedness of the Deterministic Transport Equation with Singular Velocity Field Perturbed along Fractional Brownian Paths
Speaker: Oleksandr Prykhodko Topic: The limit behaviour of random walks with arrests