Семинар 01.11

Докладчик: Xia Chen (University of Tennessee) Тема: Intermittency for hyperbolic Anderson equations with time-independent Gaussian noise: Stratonovich regime. Аннотация: Recently, a precise intermittency for the hyperbolic Anderson model has been established in Ito-Skorohod regime. In this talk, we discuss the same problem in Stratonovich regime. Our Продовжити читання Семинар 01.11

Семинар 11.10

Докладчик: Н.Б. Вовчанский (ИнститутInstitute of Mathematics, NAS of Ukraine) Тема: Splitting for one class of coalescing stochastic flows Аннотация: The algorithm of splitting, based on the Trotter-Kato formula, is applied to Harris flows with coalescence. Estimates of the speed of convergence are given.

Семинар 27.09

Докладчик: Oleg Zaboronski (University of Warwick) Тема: Probabilistic methods for the asymptotic analysis of Fredholm Determinants and Pfaffians Аннотация: I will review the probabilistic method for computing large gap asymptotics of certain Fredholm determinants due to Marc Kac. The main idea is to interpret Продовжити читання Семинар 27.09